Business Brilliance Blueprint

Business Brilliance Blueprint

Have you ever wondered what might happen if you brought more of your intuitive superpowers into the way you do business? Unlock the power of your innate gifts by learning how to let your soul guide you in your business. This blueprint is your gateway to soulful success - one that feels just as good on the inside as the big impact it’s making in the world. 

A guiding toolkit  for ambitious, sensitive practitioners, including foundational exercises that cultivate business clarity, intuitive brilliance, and confident decision-making. 

Perfect for entrepreneurs ready to infuse more of their magic into their business and create a more purposefully profound impact aligned with their deepest selves.

Created from my own journey

Hi! I’m Michelle Dowker. Intuitive Business Pivot Mentor for Highly Ambitious Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Coaches who are ready to make career and business moves that allow your dream life to unfold.  You want to infuse more of your authentic self and your intuitive, creative, and spiritual gifts into your work, while doing meaningful, impactful work that truly makes you happy.

After leaving my busy career as a Naturopathic Doctor behind, I started a new business built around my joy and passion for sharing my intuitive gifts, helping clients to identify the inner shifts that unlock the fullest expression of their soul work, while pursuing my dream of moving to the Canadian wilderness living fully off-grid. I guide fellow sensitives to make the changes to your business that brings all of your deepest desires for freedom and impact into reality.

What's included

Module One: Nervous System Mastery

Unlock the power of a clear and focused mind. This module dives into the intricacies of your nervous system. You’ll learn helpful tools and approaches to cultivate a state of nervous system balance that enhances your ability to think, focus, and work effectively.


  • Understanding Your nervous system: A comprehensive lesson on the functions of your nervous system and its impact on your daily life, particularly your ability to focus, concentrate, think clearly, and feel at your best
  • Breathwork for regulation: Dive into simple, quick, and practical breathing exercises to shift you from frazzled to focused in minutes. 
  • Guided Relaxation: Experience a guided relaxation session to help your body and mind unwind for optimal decision making throughout your day. 
  • Dietary support: Explore dietary considerations to support optimal nervous system function, for more energy, mental clarity, and ability to focus on your work and the things that matter most to you
  • Essential oil blend: Clear and protect your energy with a personalized oil blend, releasing what no longer serves and fortifying your boundaries for clarity and focus on your mission.

Module two: Purposeful Visioning

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and strategic visioning. In this module, we delve into exercises that illuminate your core values and aspirations, guiding you to create a purpose statement that serves as a compass for your personal and professional endeavors so that you stop making decisions that lead to stress and frustration. Learn to operate from a compass that always leads you to fulfillment. 


  • Green and Red Flag Feelings: More accurately identify and understand your nervous system and inner emotional cues for better decision-making
  • Values Inventory: Dive into an inventory process to articulate and prioritize your core values. And understand why they’re most important for you.
  • Want and Do Not Want Lists: Clarify your desires and boundaries by creating strategic lists that guide your decision making. Learn how to use them as an assessment tool at each stage of your business journey
  • Pros and Cons Filtering: Master the art of filtering your pros and cons, providing a strategic approach to decision-making
  • Purpose Statement Exercise: Go through a guided reflective process where you’ll distill your core values, aspirations, and unique strengths into a concise and powerful purpose statement. By the end, you’ll possess a crystallized vision and direction that acts as a guiding light for your personal and professional journey so you’ll always know the right decision for you.
  • Hypnotherapy & guided visualization recordings: Deepen your connection to your higher self through a transformative hypnotherapy session and recalibrate your inner compass with a guided visualization for precise alignment with your true north.

These exercises collectively lay the foundation for a harmonious blend of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and purposeful decision-making, setting the stage for a more aligned and fulfilling life and business.

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